The Monthly Magpie: June 2023

Wow, this one is longer than I anticipated when I sat down to write it. A lot of reviews this month, and a longer personal update.
It's June - Happy Pride everyone!
I made a few big changes this month to Magpie and my life personally. You may have noticed I left Twitter. I was not happy with the new Terms of Service that started on May 18th. So I left on May 17th. I am always here on the website and in the newsletter. To figure out how to get my work out there without Twitter - I have spun up a Reddit under my usual handle IAmKeelinIt. I’m slowly figuring out new ways to use other social media. I really like Instagram, it’s Bookstagram that got me into this whole world of reviewing media in the first place. I just don’t have confidence in the platform like I did with Twitter. It's okay, I'm learning.
Personally, I feel happier not being on Twitter. I made sure I found people I wanted to keep up with on other platforms, and now I’m finding that I’m spending more time reading, more time listening, and overall more time taking care of myself. I started exercising again, a thing I haven’t done consistently since high school. Since my birthday is at the end of May, I think it made me realize what I have been focusing on may not be the best option for me long term. So it’s time to try and re-calibrate. I’m not feeling weird about getting older, I’m not even 30 yet. I'm reflecting to make my future better, and healthier.
A really exciting thing is that The Other got me a Flair espresso press* for my birthday, so my latte art is slowly stepping up its game. My day job has an inconsistent schedule, and I’m finding these little things here and there to keep in my routine have become important to me. The espresso press is a lot of fun, and our little patio garden looks like it’s starting to grow some peppers. I have a steady supply of mint for my water, and I even pulled out my watercolors again- so really what more can I ask for? For the fun co-op activity of the month, we've been playing Sea of Thieves* with friends as a way to decompress. I’m finding that there are a lot of things that now just feel better than scrolling on Twitter did.
What also makes me feel great? Digital Folklore's hosts Perry Carpenter and Mason Amadeus sent me a little thank-you package for being a friend to the show.
I now have what I needed from the start. Meet Digby, pictured below.

Published way back in January, you can read my Release Day Review of Digital Folklore here.
In Audio Writing News.
I have yet to be happy with my first Musing. I wanted to post it last week as a birthday present to myself but I can’t strike what I’m looking at. Writing things that aren’t reviews or these little updates is terrifying to me. Little by little it’s getting there, and I really hope I’ll be ready to post it in June. The more exciting part is that Release Day Reviews are definitely back! If you have a podcast coming out and would like to submit it for a Release Day Review, send me an email!
Which reminds me Erik Jones wrote this really wonderful piece* on Podcast Newsletters. I love linking back to it because I know I’m just one of many trying to talk about podcasts and this really is a great starter for people looking to find more. If you like my stuff, there’s a lot more there.
I write these reviews for free and send this newsletter out for free. If you like what I do, consider buying me a coffee over on my Ko-fi. A little will go a long way.
The May Reviews
Release Day Reviews:
Re Dracula:

Did you not read the classic novel? Did you and do you love it? Well this podcast is for both of those people. Inspired by Dracula Daily the team here has made a fantastic podcast that releases on the same timeline as the novel. Read my review here.
The Jane Austen Podcast with Alison Larkin

Another classic novel podcast! This time we go down the rabbit hole of Pride and Prejudice with Alison Larkin. I don't really like audiobook style anything but this was a pleasant surprise for me. I really enjoyed it, and look forward to more. Read my review here.
Lost Women of Science

When science and history combine, Keelin is a happy person. Explore the stories of the most important women you don't know in this great podcast that has made leaps and bounds since season one. I love when a podcast grows from what looked like a passion project and sees phenomenal success. Read my review here.
High Strange

Is it aliens? Maybe. Have you never had the time to think about aliens, but you find yourself more and more curious? This podcast might be for you. A great introduction to the world of extraterrestrials. Read my review here.
Wind of Change

CIA, the fall of the USSR, and a rock band? One of the most interesting stories I've ever heard structured in this phenomenal podcast. I was blown away by this story, and I really think you might be too. Read my review here.
Series Recommendation: Long Shadow the Rise of the American Far Right
Friends, this is a podcast I think is very important for young Americans to listen to. I am a little too young to have consciously experienced a lot of this in real-time. So this was a primer and an explainer of how the United States has gotten to this point of seemingly near-constant domestic terror.
Podlink Here.*
Episode Recommendation: From You’re Wrong About - We Need To Talk About the New York Times with Tuck Woodstock.
Hear about the extremely concerning actions taken by The New York Times in relation to coverage of topics related to transgender people and their rights.
Podlink Here.*
The End
Keep listening, Keep Reading, and Stay Confident in your Curiosity. Thank you for being here!
*These are not affiliate links, I just really like them.
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