Slant Recommendation Sunday: Ethics in Health

Slant Recommendation Sunday: Ethics in Health

Here's a short post for some big feelings. Remember, I have a lot of podcasts to sift through on this website if you're not ready for the big stuff.

I have a touch and go interest in public health and epidemiology. So when a good podcast swings by that looks at anything related to medical ethics, I try to listen.

These two podcasts cover semi-related topics in very different ways. They are not necessarily easy podcasts to listen to, but the ones that are most important tend to not necessarily be the easy ones.

If you like, or feel like it's time to take on some uncomfortable truths about the medical industry, check out my reviews below.

The Retrievals

A short, but hard hitting podcast that takes on addiction, women's comfort in healthcare, and the fertility industry. Read my full review below.

Review: The Retrievals
This podcast balances the empirical with the emotional, in a way to be approachable, uncomfortable, and important.

Inconceivable Truth

A longer, more personal podcast about infertility treatments in the 70s and how that's effecting people today. Read my full review below

Review: Inconceivable Truth
This podcast is wrapped up in mystery and emotion. It is about the feeling of the journey, the mystery of it all, and the wonder of discovery. Every episode is masterfully crafted, with a hook at the end to get you sucked right into the next one.

Like I said, these podcasts are tough ones. They're worth it, though, if you're looking for some deep thinking.

Anti Slant Recommendation

It's summer, we don't always want to dive into our deepest, darkest realities. If you want a lighter subject, try the reviews below!

Review: Wizard Seeking Wizard
It’s silly creativity at full throttle, it’s enjoying life, and it’s a break from everything that’s difficult in life for just a little bit.
Review: Outside/In
So I am reviewing this podcast not just because it’s great, and from a local radio station*, but also because it’s like coming home to damp earth, fresh air, and great conversation.
Review: Six Degrees of Cats
We can learn and be curious without it being an overly serious endeavor. Not everything has to be high brow, ivory tower educational to be respectful. Remember, curiosity may have killed the cat - but satisfaction did bring it back.