The Monthly Magpie: July 2023

Hello, and welcome back to the Monthly Magpie, where I talk about podcasts and tell you what I’ve been up to.
I decided to take the first week of July half off. We live in the United States, so we had a lovely long weekend because of The 4th of July. We were able to head over to Pittsburgh to visit The Other’s family for the first time in too long. The thing is, my partner and I don’t like the same podcasts and we want to be aware of each other on long drives. So, we listened to a few podcasts, but mostly it was a weekend off and away from most thoughts of day job or blog-related things.
Taking a break from podcasts has put me out of sync with myself, and I'm going to have to make up for it. Luckily can announce that an upcoming three-day weekend I have means I get a few days alone with my podcasts. Respond to this email with a recommendation and maybe you’ll see it in a review this month!
Being in Pittsburgh was great, but it also has made me realize that I need to build more consistency in myself and my own routines. Not being at home for a few days was the shake-up that solidified this feeling I've been having.
It is especially difficult to create routine and consistency with the flip-flopping schedule of someone in the arts. I’m not quite sure what routine and consistency mean for me right now, but I’m going to start writing about this and other more regular updates on a weekly basis. This monthly newsletter is something I look forward to writing and have made a routine for. I think a weekly something will help me too.
In these weekly updates, I’ll include lists of podcasts I’m listening to, any podcasting news I have an eye on, or what I’ve been reading. As nothing has replaced Twitter, this might be the best way for me to connect with everyone. No, I'm not hopping on the Threads train yet. I don't like the hyperconnectivity to my Instagram account.
These weekly updates won’t be a subscription deal, it’ll just be something that’s in my feed. If you end up wanting to see weekly things from me directly in your inbox, let me know. I’m figuring this all out as I go.
Now, onto the exciting things.
June Reviews
Residents of Proserpina Park
An audio drama that you’ll learn from. Head into the park and discover mythical creatures, and mysteries just begging to be solved. Read my Review here.
A heartbreaking podcast that’s so important. The story of the boy who went missing on the day Princess Diana and Prince Charles were married. Read my review here.
A podcast about food and its relation to memory. One of the most striking podcasts I’ve listened to in a while. Find out why in my review here.
An absolutely enraging story in a podcast that was too good to not listen to. Listen, and be in awe. Read my review here.
Series Recommendation:
It’s back! Stuff the British Stole! This is one of my favorite podcasts and I am thrilled. Go listen to the first two episodes of the new season now, and tell me what you think. Listen Here
Episode Recommendation:
“Excuseflation” - from Today Explained we have an interesting episode about how the economics of today are working. Really good to feel good, and bad about the world. Listen here
Final Things:
I got a new bag of coffee to try with my Flair espresso press. I’m thrilled to dive back into the Daily Blob and to save a little bit of money on drinking too many espresso drinks out and not at home. Check out my Instagram to see what’s going on!
I also have a Ko-Fi set up if you like what I do and want to throw me a coffee.
The biggest way you can support me otherwise is to share the fact that I exist, so forward this email to a friend and get them to subscribe!
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