Podcast Review

Review: 36 Questions

I honestly think some of us could write a dissertation on this musical, but this website isn't for that.

Review: Root of Evil

I don’t understand how any family goes through the things that this family experienced and then talk about it, for the world to hear. Maybe everyone needed a bit of dramatic separation, to make it more of a story than anything. For the rest of us, it is, but to this family, it’s real life.

Review: Conspiracy, She Wrote

There’s the other side to everything, isn’t there? Heads or tails, front and back, celebration and criticism. Truthfully we can’t look at the great women of history and the world without looking at the not-so-great women.

Review: Hysterical

It was the journey the host brought us on, to tackle the word “hysterical”. Maybe not intentionally, but through the story of what happened to these young girls in LeRoy, New York we have the chance to zoom in and out.

Review: Tested

Women's issues are worth time, space, and thought. Not just during Women's History Month. Not just during Mother’s Day. 2024 is the first year in the history of the modern or ancient Olympics where there may be an equal percentage of men and women competing.